Private clients

Trust that your dreams matter to us

By adopting a bespoke collaborative and supportive approach with our private customers, our purpose is to provide them with a customised range of services to help them plan and future-proof their wealth in their own unique manner.


Protecting what you stand for

Family Office

Our deep experience with wealth owners convinced us there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every family is unique and, as individual needs might shift from time to time, when personal circumstances or society change, we strive to establish a close communication and build a genuine sense of trust with our private clients. That way, we ensure that your needs and aspirations are always at the forefront of all we do.

Our family office team builds long-term personal relationships with you and invests considerable time to understand what matters to you both now and in the future.

Our tailored approach aims to offer practical solutions that are flexible enough to adapt to changing family circumstances.

During COVID-19, many families have re-evaluated their values and what success means to them and many have an increased appetite for purpose-driven investments. With increasing demand in Family Office services, we have improved our offer to match with your new reality.


Services include

  • Consolidated asset and liability reporting

  • Investments

  • Philanthropy

  • Personal financial management

  • Family governance

  • Structuring and assistance with planning

  • Last will and testament

  • Transaction support and implementation

  • Administration of structures

  • Companies, Trusts & Foundations services

“Miguel and his team have worked alongside our family since 15 years. They have continuously provided high-quality guidance rooted in a in-depth understanding of the dynamics of family businesses. I handed over the reins to my children a few years ago and they appreciate as much as I do the added value of the support offered by Stratego.” 
Robert, client 


Companies, Trusts & Foundations

Aiming to achieve private wealth management and succession planning objectives, many of our clients opt for transferring their assets to a trust, a company or a foundation under the guidance of a trusted family council.

These structures allow to ensure that your family is looked after for many generations to come.


Services include

  • Establishing the structure

  • Providing a registered address

  • Provision of directors and secretary

  • Maintaining statutory records and executing statutory obligations

  • Handling accounting and financial reporting

  • Providing cash management, compliance, and FATCA and CRS services

Prepare for the inevitable

Succession Planning

We have been protecting, preserving and planning personal and family assets for a considerable amount of time. With first hand knowledge of all aspects of life experienced by wealthy families, our team can provide experts advice for succession planning challenges and opportunities.

Especially when it comes to their family assets, our clients value our long-term personal approach and the time invested by our team to acquire a deep understanding of what is important to you now and in the future. Our client base reflects the success of our approach, including the second and sometimes third generations of many of our client families.


Did you know?

Only about 30% of family businesses survive into the second generation, 12% are viable into the third generation, and only about 3% of all family businesses operate into the fourth generation or beyond.

Almost without exception, each wealth-owner wishes to enhance the lives of their beneficiaries in some way. Often forgotten, it is important that any consideration of a wealth planning arrangement includes a review from the perspective of every person involved. Transitioning wealth or a business goes beyond simply having a plan in place and as time passes, a proper analysis needs to be done for each stakeholder that this plan affects.

Why Stratego?


Having the right people for the right task is in our DNA, ensuring to solve your most difficult challenges every single time.


We collaborate, dealing with the 'today' while assisting you to develop and create the future of your business.


Our scalable and bespoke solutions flex as your needs change and as your business grows.


We love it simple - with simplified procedures and few manual interactions, you won't waste time on unneeded issues.

Make informed decisions

Tax return & Tax advice

Our private client services can cover all state of the art services regarding your fiscal situation, including the preparation and filing of your income tax return, advise you and your company on possible tax improvements, handling correspondances and potential proceedings with Luxembourg tax authorities.


Our state-of-art expertise, powered by digital tools and the latest technologies

Rather than relying solely on our skills, we strive to invest in cutting-edge technology in order to provide our clients with solutions that fit their way of work, ensuring your experience is made as easy as possible, while providing valuable real-time insights into the financial reality of your business activities.


Services include

  • Management and accounting services

  • Producing annual financial statements

  • Preparing the annual statutory financial return

  • Tax compliance and advisory

  • Financial records, integrating with your systems if required

  • VAT services

  • Audit support

  • Regulatory reporting support to ensure compliance with Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) requirements under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

Ready to get started?

Contact us to design a custom package for your business.


Always know what you pay

Transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

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Request a free 30-min service presentation with one of our managers.

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